Congratulations to vtecmec for winning May/June's Lude Of The Month, with his DIY Turbo BB1 build.

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Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:20 pm
My Generation: 5G

new member - hello!

Post by farisr » Sat Feb 27, 2021 10:21 pm

wurlycorner, please accept my apologies. I hadn't seen the reply you posted way back in January 2019. I wonder if my spam filter is eating the reply notifications?

At any rate, at some point after my original posting, a friend rather wonderfully volunteered to do it all the work me - all I needed to do was find the parts, which I ended up sourcing from Europe at relatively low prices (as I had not seen your post!).

We now find ourselves nearly in March 2021, in a very different and less easy-going world than the one we were in back then. I've decided to sell, and have posted in the for-sale section. I'm not sure what she's worth but I hope someone will give her a good home one way or the other.

So thanks to everybody who posted helpful comments here to get me on my way, and sorry again for missing some of those replies.

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