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Drop links

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Drop links

Post by Donald » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:01 pm

Quick question,

I know that something has happened to a drop link on the drivers side front suspensiony bit. It knocks when I go over bumps and such. I need a new one.

Would it be better to replace both front ones instead of just one?
What do I need (in terms of parts)?
OEM parts or... other parts?

I'm not good with doing things so I'm getting a mate to sort this, but I need to get the stuff to do it. I've looked on the Lings website and can't really fathom what I need to buy, and the prices are astronomic.


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Post by Donald » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:02 pm

Also, I have to go to Stansted airport on Friday to pick up 2 people with a suitcase each. It's fairly improbable that anything bad will happen if I drive it as it is, right?

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Post by Ammo » Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:39 pm

It won't handle the best so don't go hooning around corners but yeah you can drive it

IF your doing one you might as well do both

ARB drop links you can get from your local motorfactors, think I paid £27 for a pair.

Where they connect to the ARB you have to use an allen key to stop the bolt turning so you can get the nut off, generally if they have been on the car for years you might end up rounding off the allen hole so bare in mind you might have to grind/hacksaw the old ones off

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Post by Donald » Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:00 pm

Cheers, feel a bit better about that now.

I'll definitely do both then, was just the prices from Lings that made my wallet shriek a bit!

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Post by JayJay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:16 am

They're very easy to do :) It's just a few bolts and off they come! Took me about an hour to do one side (working out the right tools to use etc) then 10 minutes the next :lol: And that includes fitting the new ones.
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Post by Kawa » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:28 am

JayJay wrote:They're very easy to do :) It's just a few bolts and off they come! Took me about an hour to do one side (working out the right tools to use etc) then 10 minutes the next :lol: And that includes fitting the new ones.
My parents have just come back from IOM. They found a ARB in the hedge, is it yours? :lol:

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Post by JayJay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:07 am

To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised :lol: :lol:
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Post by Kawa » Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:27 pm

hehe, only kidding mate, they are easy to do.

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Post by JayJay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:33 pm

That they are :) But make sure you get good quality ones. I had to have mine replaced repeatedly due to stiffer suspension and low quality drop links always snapping!
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Post by Donald » Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:13 pm

I swear college is slowly ruining my suspension as well, on the route we're supposed to use there's a minimum of 6 speed bumps to go over before there are any spaces to park in, and some are those horrible temporary ones that are really harsh, and I scrape every time. The last few days I've used the other route (which we're not meant to use) and some guy was waiting for me this morning, and questioned why I'd come that way, so I basically explained the bump things and he came out with a really patronising "Well you shouldn't be going so fast over them". Stereotyping gentleman's sausage! :evil:

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