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IACV resistor value, Auto to manual.

To clarify - that's In Car Entertainment - not frozen water
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IACV resistor value, Auto to manual.

Post by DaveyBa8 » Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:11 am

Been along time! My prelude is long gone but I have a question to ask for a mate.

Basically he has a 5th gen Sir Auto that has been converted to manual. I'm sure the whole engine and box has been replaced. Its left a mess of wires. Basically it has a 3 pin IACV and he has the loom for a 2 pin. Instead of connecting up a 2 pin IACV (which we don't have) and not plumbing it in. Is there a resistor value I can pin the plug with that will fool the ECU?. Also we are going to look at the Auto ECU and see if we can swap the 2 resistors over on the ECU to fool the car that its not auto.

Thanks lads in advance.

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IACV resistor value, Auto to manual.

Post by wurlycorner » Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:15 pm

Argh that car sounds like a bit of a nightmare puzzle to pull together...

Would it really not just be easier to get hold of a used 2-pin IACV and just fit that?

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