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Torco RTF Racing Transmission Fluid

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Nimbus Motorsport
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Torco RTF Racing Transmission Fluid

Post by Nimbus Motorsport » Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:45 pm

Torco RTF 100% Synthetic Racing Transmission Fluid is specifically engineered to reduce fluid drag for increased power efficiency without compromising component durability. It is made from a combination of specially selected 100% synthetic Group IV/V base oils providing superior shear resistance and extreme temperature stability. RTF is specially formulated to exceed the load-carrying and extreme pressure wear protection properties of higher viscosity GL-5 or GL-6 gear oils. RTF provides anti-score protection for high speed, high load and high torque shock-loading conditions, while allowing smooth operation of synchronisers.

Recommended for manual transmissions where SAE 75w90, 80w90 or 90 are specified. Also replaces engine oil where SAE 30, 10w30, 10w40 or 40 are specified.

Highly recommended by MFactory when installing their transmission components.

Recommeneded for extreme track and race use.

As with the MTF, we have plenty in stock, everything is sent out on a next day service and if you order before about 2.30pm, we’ll get it out the same day.

Price - £20.44 (inc. VAT) per litre

Next day delivery - £5.95 (inc.VAT)

Available from here... ... tegory=297




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